
A cockblock is an intentional, or sometimes unintentional action that serves to prevent someone from having sexual intercourse with a partner. Such behavior is often motivated by jealousy, or competitiveness, although it is sometimes accidental, or inadvertent. A cockblock, or cockblocker is a person who engages in such obstruction or intervention. According to an article by a freelance writer, Joshua Bernstein, in the New York Press, cockblocking is a "foul act in which someone interferes with another's attempt at finding happiness inside someone's pants."[1] An author for the UWO Gazette believes that individuals frequenting bars in university towns are likely to be familiar with "this classic maneuver."[2]

Other usage

"Cockblock" can also be used in a figurative manner to describe non-sexual interfering behavior. New York Magazine used the term to characterize the Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg's attempts to counter a deal initiated by Governor of New York David Paterson.[3]
